E2 5/26/2011                                               Ms. D’Amato

Student Name___________                            Score:___________

The House on Mango Street Test

Part I: Multiple Choice Questions ( 3 points per question ,60%)
1. Where is Esperanza when a group of boy sexually assaults her?

2. When Esperanza talks about clouds and hips with her friend, how does she describe them?

3. What do Esperanza and her friends do to imitate grown-ups?

4. In what way is Nenny similar to Esperanza?

5. Which of the following is NOT a reason that hips are useful, according to Esperanza, Rachel, and Lucy?

6. How does Esperanza decide to defy social conventions at home?

7. With what object or objects in the neighborhood does Esperanza identify most closely?

8. Which of the following is NOT a metaphor:

9.  Which sentence is an example of Personification?

10.  “Some are skinny like chicken lips” This is an example of:

11. What do the three sisters tell Esperanza at the wake?

12. Which sentence is an extended metaphor?

13. What does the image of the house symbolize in The House on Mango Street?

14. Why does Esperanza describe Cathy as “Cathy who is queen of cats has cats and cats and cats”?

15. What is being personified in the extended metaphor “Four Skinny Trees”?

16. What is revealed in the Monkey Garden? Why is it significant?

17. Women are constantly portrayed as occupying a place by the window in this novel. What does the window symbolize in the novella?

18. What does the metaphor “She was a horse woman” mean?

19. What is significant or ironic about the neighborhood kids “waving as he {Louie’s other cousin} was driven away”

20. Why do you think the idea of a house is so central to Esperanza's dreams for the future? 

Part II: Vocabulary 10% ( 2 point per question)
Directions: Choose the best definition for each vocabulary word.

21. Evoke:

22. Distraught:

23. Emphasize:

24. Empower:

25. Tether:

Part III: Written Assignments 30% ( 10 points per question)

1. Create an extended metaphor about yourself or school.






2. Identify and describe an example of situational irony you have observed in your life or the society. ________________________________________________________________________






3. Select a symbol to describe the neighborhood where you live. Explain why you chose the symbol to represent your neighborhood and describe its meaning..





