Final Independent Reading Assessment

Day 1: May 31, 2011

Complete and submit the reading log and a total of six reading responses ( one on each book).

Day 2:06/01/2011

Compare two characters from the books you have read this term ( Feb-May, 2011). The two characters can be from the same book but preferably from two different books.Provide the title and author information for each book. Do the following to compare and contrast-

  1. In what ways are they similar?
  2. In what ways are they different? Give two major reasons that may have caused the differences, for example, actions( self motivation or life purpose etc), character, setting, or peer or family influence, etc.

Day 3: 06/02/2011

Compare two books in which the author shares similar purpose ( theme). Provide the title and author information for each book. Respond-

  1. What's the similar purpose both authors have expressed in their books?
  2. How does each author reveal his/her purpose ( such as through the setting, conflict, characterization or irony etc.)?

Day 4 06/03/2011

From all the 6 books you have read, do the following tasks ( provide the title and author information for each book)-

  1. Describe the main idea of each book ( 3- 5 sentences. No more than 5). Use the table below.
  2. Would you recommend the book to your peers? Explain why or why not.Use the table below.
  3. Describe the most important "life lesson" you have learned from your independent reading experience.Use the table below.
  4. Give an example of the "best part " of all the six books you have read. Provide the title and author of the book. Explain why this part stood out for you the most in a positive way.
  5. Give an example of the "worst part" of all the six books you have read. Provide the title and author of the book. Explain why this part stood out for you the most in a negative way.
Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Book 5 Book 6



Main Idea
(Use 3-5 sentences. No more than 5.)


Recommend the book to your peers?
Why or why not would you like to recommend the book?


Day 5 06/06/2011

  1. If you could magically transform into another character, who would it be? Pick one character you would like to be "transformed" into? Explain why. ( Note: the character has to be from one of the 6 books you have read this term. Provide the title and author of the book).
  2. If you could help one of the characters in the books you have read this term, who would it be? Explain why and how you would like to help the character.