1. abundant: amply supplied
 2. befuddle: to muddle or stupefy with or as if with drink; confuse
3. effrontery: n. shameless boldness : INSOLENCE
synonym see TEMERITY
4.immaculate: having no stain or blemish
5. qualm: a sudden attack of illness, faintness, or nausea
2 : a sudden access of usually disturbing emotion (as doubt or fear)
6. probity: adherence to the highest principles and ideals : UPRIGHTNESS
synonym see HONESTY
7. callous: being hardened and thickened b : having calluses
2 a : feeling no emotion /
8. base
9. slovenly: untidy especially in personal appearance b : lazily slipshod <slovenly in thought>
10.perturbed: disturb greatly in mind : DISQUIET
2 : to throw into confusion : DISORDER
10. ipso facto: by that very fact or act : as an inevitable result
11. augur: one held to foretell events by omens
12. guile:: DUPLICITY
13. indignation
14. placid: serenely free of interruption or disturbance ; COMPLACENT
15. sublime
16. gait:a manner of walking or moving on foot
17. contentious:exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes
19. denounce: to inform against