Week 6 (Oct. 4th-11th)

| Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |

Day 1 (Monday)


Day 2( Tuesday)

Aim: To illustrate themes or important details in literature( Based on reading James Baldwin's "The Rockpiles", The Fire Next Time, and "Sonny's Blues"   ):

a. search for self identity 

b. social injustice or important ideas

c. The Title


  1. Brainstorming: Getting the visual.
    a. What do you see in the literature (Who, What, Where, When, Why)?
    b. What do you see symbolically( colors, symbols, lettering, etc)?
James Baldwin's Works Symbolism ( Symbols you can use to represent the concrete images) Literal (Concrete Images you see in the writing)
The Rockpiles    
The Fire Next Time    
The Sonny's Blues    

2. Discussion of format and sizes (How do you position the images or symbols and what meanings you want to convey through such a position?).

3. Discussion of size relationships.


Create an artwork to illustrate themes or important details in literature( Based on reading James Baldwin's "The Rockpiles", The Fire Next Time, and "Sonny's Blues"   ):

Day 3 (Wed.)

1. Discuss the short story " Sonny's Blues"

a. What happened to Sonny as described in the beginning of the story? How did the narrator find out about this and how did he feel?

b. How did the two brother differ from each other?

c. What kind of person is Sonny in the eyes of his friend?

d. What do you know about Sonny through the letter he wrote to his brother?

e. When Sonny came out of jail, how did they feel towards each other?

f. Why is the flashback important? How do the narrator's memories shed light on his relationship with his brother Sonny?

g. Respond to the paragraph beginning with " So we drove along..." on page 243. 

h. Respond to the paragraph beginning with " We live in a house project..." on page 243.

j. Based on the narrator's flashback about his mother, what kind of person was she? Why is she important to the understanding of the character, Sonny?

k. How did the narrator react when Sonny told him he wanted to play jazz? How might have his reaction affect Sonny?

l. Why did Sonny want to drop out of school? How did the narrator try to convince him that it was important to finish the high school?

m. Whom did Sonny live with after their mother died? What did he do mostly when he lived there? Why did he leave them one day?

n. What caused the two brothers to break up and what could this have done to Sonny?

How to create a Point of View Writing based on "Sonny's Blues"?

Who (are or could be in the story including unanimated objects such as piano or guitar, etc.) What (story would this new voice tell?) How (would you retell the story? In what format? )
  • Sonny
  • Narrator
  • Isabel
  • Mother
  • Sonny's Friend
  • Sonny's Musical Instruments
  • Sonny's story of his searching for his identity, his struggle, his lost soul, his frustration and sadness 
  • Song
  • Memoir
  • Narrative
  • Monologue (Sonny to his deceased parents at their burial place)
  • Dialogue
  • Dream


Select a new perspective (voice ) to tell the story . You may add your own interpretation of the story in your writing but the main idea must remain truthful to the original story. You may use any form of writing to retell the story.

Day 4 (Thursday)

Art of the Harlem Renaissance

During the Harlem Renaissance, Africa American writers weren't the only people who flocked to a little-know district of Manhattan to explore their cultural identity. African American musicians, painters, and sculptors were as much a part of this artistic explosion of the 1920s and 1930s were poets, novelists, and playwrights. Before long, the intense creative spirits spilled out of Harlem, which had become the heart and soul of African American culture. African American artists across the country began painting, sculpting, drawing, and taking photograph.

Artists of the Harlem Renaissance shared a single goal in their work: to express their identify as both African  and American. However, their approaches varied. Some artists sought to capture details of everyday life, including the tension of a segregated society. Other wanted to portray the dignity and independence of their people. Still other African American artists chose to focus on elements of folklore in their art.                          

The Harlem Renaissance marked the first time that many African American artists could work professionally at their craft. Foundations offered private funding to African Americans artists. Public art projects employed many artists during the Great Depression of the 1930s. As a result, African Americans were able to infuse American's cultural landscape with their vitality and their dreams.      

Browse the following African American artists' work and choose one artwork to respond-


Artists Jacob Lawrence Aaron Douglas Palmer Hayden Malvin Gray Johnson Hale Woodruff Augusta Savage

. Image Archives

.Whitney Museum

. Art Gallery

. Virtual Museum


. Gallery

. Image Archives



. Online Works


.Photos of her Sculpture


How to Interpret Visual Arts? (Read New York State Visual Arts Standards )


  1. Read an example of "how to interpret a visual art".
  2. Resources of How to Interpret Visual Arts

  3. Take a virtual trip to one of the New York City Art Museums. Select one art work you would like to view and criticize:T

    The Metropolitan Museum of Art: http://www.metmuseum.org/

    The Museum of Modern Art: http://www.moma.org/

    Tapestry in the Renaissance: Art and Magnificence


    1. http://www.metmuseum.org/special/Tapestry/24.L.htm
    2. http://www.metmuseum.org/special/Tapestry/24a.L.htm
    3. http://www.metmuseum.org/special/Tapestry/40.L.htm
    4. http://www.metmuseum.org/special/Tapestry/49.L.htm
    5. http://www.metmuseum.org/special/Tapestry/53.L.htm

    Surrealism: Desire Unbound


    Picks one artwork to respond to. Write down the URL of the work.

How to respond or criticize visual arts?


  1. Locate the art work you want to criticize. 
  2. Have the art in front of you and follow  the instructions to interpret the art work. Write your interpretation on a piece of paper.
  3. Share your interpretation of the art work within your group.
  4. Decide on the final group interpretation of the art work that you'll publish in the website. You can not copy the original art work on your website. Instead you link to the website directly to avoid stealing.

Day 5 (Friday-end of the first marking period)

Plan a brief presentation that includes music from the time or a dramatic reading about the artist.

Start creating a webfolio to present your work about James Baldwin's writing.

Step 1: Creating a Cover Page( Save the page as index.html ) for your website, here is a template-

Level 1

American Literature

This website is created by John Dole 

Please send comments to : jdole@yahoo.com

Create an icon for your website, i.e


Introduction (About You and the website)

James Baldwin

Esmeraldo Santiago

Amy Tan

Claude McKay

Carl Sandburg

Arthur Miller

Scott Fitsgerald


Step 2: Creating seven individual web pages for each author listed on the cover page, for example-

Example 1: Save the page as jamesbaldwin ( No Space, No Capitalized letters)

Level 2

James Baldwin

(Post your artwork based on James Baldwin's writing here)

About James Baldwin

Use google.com or any other search engine to look up James Baldwin and report back what you have found about the following( Try to summarize and paraphrase the information you read instead of copying the info word for word)-

James Baldwin Milestones in his Life Major Literary Works Major Themes in his Works Harlem in 1930s 



The Rockpiles

The Fire Next Time

Sonny's Blues


When clicking The Rockpile link, viewers should see the following page:

Level 3

The Rockpiles

  1. Your Illustration
  2. Creative Writing
  3. How does this story connect to James Baldwin's real life?

When clicking The Fire Next Time link, viewers should see the following page:

The Fire Next Time

  1. Your Illustration
  2. Research report on Harlem in 1930s
  3. Two double entry journals
  4. Creative Writing
  5. Who ( artists/writers) might have shaped James Baldwin's writing and his social views?


When clicking on Sonny's Blues  link, viewers should see the following page:

Sonny's Blues

  1. Illustration
  2. Journal
  3. Point of View Writing

Example 2

Level 2

Amy Tan

Two Kinds

Paste your writing about "Two Kinds" here on this page.

Step 3: Making Links

Step 4: Uploading  our web pages into geocities.com 

Good Luck and Have fun!