Answer to Vocabulary Quiz #2

(Choose only 33 questions to answer; 3 points for each answer)


1.      The river that flowed past the campsite had a secluded nook where we could take care of our ablutions in privacy.

2.      The police are still trying to determine what really transpired on the night of the accident.

3.      Jared decided to leave the company upon realizing that his hopes for advancement were merely a chimera.

4.      While flying over the Midwest, I saw a long, sinuous river that wound through fields, farms, and towns as it made its way towards the Gulf of Mexico.

5.      The editorial claims that the new multimillion-dollar sports complex is a boondoggle and a frivolous waste of tax dollars.

6.      Adrianna frequently wrote to her local newspaper to complain about the redundant headlines, rebarbative editorial commentary, and grammatical errors.

7.      Unfortunately, all efforts to repair the damage ultimately proved futile.

8.      Flashbulbs lit up the scene as the bubbly actress sashayed down the red carpet, wearing a jaunty little headpiece that complemented her airy designer gown.

9.      It is now recommended that pregnant women abstain from alcohol and certain medications until after delivery.

10.  She was obviously very upset over losing the match, but that's no excuse for her churlish behavior toward her opponent.

11.  Mr. Alvarez enjoined the class to be quiet, and the stern tone of his voice made everyone obey immediately.

12.  Lorel and Curt's tiny vineyard produces a limited quantity of top-quality chardonnays that are perforce rather pricey.

13.  Few astronomers have witnessed the sidereal phenomenon of a supernova.

14.  Jane is terrified of flying, and she's also not fond of the concomitant annoyances of air travel, like waiting in long security lines.

15.  In Henry Fielding's novel Tom Jones, Squire Allworthy demands, "Look you, Mr. Dowling..., do not hesitate nor prevaricate; but answer faithfully and truly to every question I ask."

16.  Jeff's house was furnished with a panoply of up-to-date home entertainment devices.

17.  Not only was the document itself full of errors, but the corrigenda included with it had mistakes as well!

18.  The senator inveighed against the new FDA regulations, claiming they allow loopholes for manufacturers.

19.  The quiet suburban neighborhood was within walking distance of the elementary school and provided the perfect milieu for raising a family.

20.  When the laconic Calvin Coolidge announced his decision not to seek reelection, his succinct statement upheld his reputation as one inclined to be brief: "I do not choose to run for President in 1928."

21.  While sitting in rush hour traffic, Cecilia often daydreamed about living in a little house in a quiet, bucolic setting.

22.  The country's unsteady economy is due to volatile global markets and the new government's rash economic reforms.

23.  "While the lobby appears almost rococo, rooms are a study in spare, clean elegance..." (Jeff Morgan, Wine Spectator, October 15, 1996)

24.  California's unusually cold winter does not augur well for the citrus crop.

25.  After being drubbed by the worst team in the league, the hometown players slunk into the locker room with their heads hung low.

26.  After ordering his coffee, Tony saw that there was no sugar available at the counter, so he had to settle for an ersatz alternative.

27.  Paula found a bundle of love letters tucked in an interstice in the wall, where they must have been hidden by one of the house's former occupants.

28.  "The nation's working poor have been hit by another whammy," said the senator, referring to a recent tax hike.

29.  "Maybe we should reintroduce the ancient Greek practice of timing political speeches with clepsydra -- when the water is gone, the oration is over," suggested Alfie.

30.  "The face of the old man was stern, hard-featured, and forbidding; that of the young one, open, handsome, and ingenuous." (Charles Dickens, The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby)

31.  I prefer that news program because it sticks to unbiased reporting with no ex parte commentary.

32.  To almost every comment I made, Adam responded with a quip and a smile.

33.  The scientist hypothecated that the lab rats' new behavior was linked to changes in their sleep patterns.

34.  Grandmother bore the trials and tribulations of her life with longanimity.

35.  The pluvial climate of England didn't dampen our trip; instead, it gave us a chance to visit some excellent pubs and chat with the locals.

36.  Peter the Great became the czar of Russia while still in his nonage, so the country was ruled for a time by his half-sister Sophia.

37.  The model, arms akimbo, struck a pose at the end of the runway.