English Capstone Project

Capstone Project 2014-

For this project, students will read a Gothic novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelly and do research on the novel’s zeitgeist- historical, technological, maritime, industrial as well as autobiographical background to understand how the zeitgeist has played a great role in adding wings to Shelly’s imagination and her literary creation. Students will do research on these factors and use multi-media presentation to present their research. In addition to using visuals as part of the presentation, students will also use excerpts of the essay to explain, argue or support their assertion that they will derive based on research.  For each visual, students need to provide citations as well as captions. Through the project, students will gain deep understanding of the direct correlations between an imaginary work and it zeitgeist. Students will also come to understand that literary work is a representation of history, culture , ideology and language of a society; each reader renders his/her  judgment of the work according his/her  social, religious or cultural values.  Through literary works we see a microcosm of the society that exited more than a century ago. The work becomes a living “fossil” for us to study the world from which it was originated and in which it once thrived.

I. Before you read Shelly’s Frankenstein either for the first time or again, research and write about one of the four topics of your choice, below ( as a group, all topics must be covered). The essay should be no less than five paragraphs. MLA citation must be applied and a MLA style bibliography must be attached. To copy a line without citation is plagiarism. Keep that in mind when paraphrasing. Make sure you give credit every time credit is due in MLA Style.

  1. The French Revolution and the rise of Industrialization during the Industrial Revolution era.
  2. Science and technology of the Industrial Revolution era.
  3. Artic Exploration during the Industrial Revolution era.
  4. The Romantic era.

II. When reading a novel it is always important to have some understanding of the era during which the novel was written. Understanding the historical context of a text gives you, as a reader, a more holistic understanding of the thematic, social, and tonal elements woven within the text and between its lines by its author. Finally, as you read, keep a journal to illustrate how the facts behind your above essay topics were woven by this author into her work. You may comment about social implications and restraints, themes, or the author’s tone at a given time – as long as it is at least one paragraph per chapter.

III. Actively read Frankenstein, Mary Shelly, and complete your journal entries in a notebook. Try to enter as many comments as you can that relate to your above written essay topics because such notes are essential  for us to have a meaningful discussion to prepare for our final project.



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