Week 2

Objectives: Students will generate ideas for the 1st speech they will write about their career choices by watching tedtalks and having conversations in their discussion groups

Session 1

  1. Watch a tedtalk about ” making choices”-
    Career choices: They don’t have to be decisions for life 
  2. Discuss in a small group your career choices or no choices and the reasons behind
  3. What type of pacing is effective in delivering a speech?
  4. How to keep your eye contact with the audience?

Session 2: Watch
https://youtu.be/N7hra-i_Mv8 speech by Katie Couric at a graduation ceremony in University of Wisconsin

a. What types of mindset and attitudes does she emphasize for graduates when they seek their career ?

b. How does she describe the new career path for the 21st century ?generation?

c. Why is action more important than imagination?

d. How to deal with rejection?

Session 3:

A. Writing the speech about your career choice using SOAPStone

  • What’s your voice? What kind of persona do you want to reveal to your audience?
  • What’s the occasion for writing the speech? ( for your classmates and professor to know your aspiration and inspiration)
  • What kind of audience will you address?
  • What’s your purpose? What do you hope to achieve through the speech( reveal your dream, inspire others with your story, present a question, share a “lesson” in life, etc)
  • What’s the subject( career choice)?
  • What kind of tone do you hope to project in order for people to feel your attitude and understand your purpose?

In your college class, your professor has asked you to introduce yourself by talking about career choices. Write a speech in which you discuss a career choice you have made or have not made. In the speech, you will shed light to your audience on what may have impacted you to consider such a choice or why you have not decided on a specific career choice. Use personal experiences such as anecdote, references to social context or even history etc to help reveal your purpose. The speech should be 5-minute long. Effective speeches can help audience feel your message is universal and they feel connected to you and your subject .

B. Share characteristics about effective and ineffective speakers.

List and explain what you believe to be the top 5 characteristics of an effective and ineffective speaker. Candidly evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses as a speaker. Identify three primary aspects of speech-making you most want to improve.

Watch a video clip on five basic steps of public speaking

C. Read and analyze the scenario on page 30. Evaluate her dilemma in light of the guidelines for ethical speechmaking presented in chapter 2. Explain what you believe would be the most ethical course of action in her case.

D. Discuss questions on p. 45.


Public speaking website: Toastmaster.org

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