Guidelines to Write an Outline & Outline Checklist

How to create an outline for your speech? ( Refer to pp 211-213 for an example of the outline)

Specific Purpose of your Speech ( what do you hope to accomplish through the speech: persuade, inform, criticize, excite, mock, praise, warn, etc) _______________________________________

Central idea ( what is the point you are trying to make with what main information)_____________________________________


  1. Attention grabber sentence related to your topic
  2. Point out the most prevalent opposing view on your topic
  3. Define or mention a main fact about your topic that supports your position
  4. Describe two major points that you will use in the body to support your argument ( your position plus reasons ).


  • The First Main Point ( usually the one that backs your position directly)
    • Sub-point 1
      1. Evidence 1
      2. Evidence 2
      3. Evidence 3
    • Sub-point 2
      1. Evidence 1
      2. Evidence 2
      3. Evidence 3
  • Sub-Point 3
    1. Evidence 1
    1. Evidence 2


The 2nd Main Point ( major counter claim by your opponents and your counter point to the counter claim)

  • Sub-point 1 ( the counter claim)
    1. Evidence that the counter claim is based on
    1. Point out the logical fallacy or the limitation of the evidence
  • Sub-point 2 ( concede here: you acknowledge that you do see why your audience may have a different opinion  and reason as well as the evidence that the counter claim is based on
  • Sub-point 3 ( state your counter point or rebuttal here)
    1. Evidence 1
    2. Evidence 2
    3. Evidence 3


  1. Summarize up your main point
  2. Bolster your point with a famous quote that will bolster your position and leave an enduring impression on your audience